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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


 A few weeks ago we were introduced to a family in Patzutzun who have some pretty serious needs. At this point the parents with their 4 young children are living in a 9ft. by 13ft. mud house where they cook on the floor and also sleep on the damp floor. It is now the rainy season so when the rains come every afternoon the water comes down off the mountain and runs through their house leaving their floor damp most of the time. Last week during one of the heavy rains,  part of their wall just gave way and collapsed leaving a hole in the side of their house. At night they lay down plastic to try to keep the water from seeping into their thin mattresses but living in these wet, chilly conditions leaves them sick most of the time. The man cuts and sells firewood for a living but since he is sick a lot of the time, he has a hard time making enough to  feed his family. We have plans of helping to build them a new house as soon as possible and hopefully this will prevent so much sickness and give them a chance to get ahead. Please pray for this family and for those who will be involved in this project!

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